Thursday, January 28, 2010

The latest photos

1-28-10 Thursday
 We had another slow morning.  Around lunch time we headed into town for some sight seeing.  But first we went to the local library to update the photos.  Here they are:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Finally getting to update

1/26, 27/10 – Tuesday and Wednesday

Not much happened on Tuesday. We just hung out around our campsite and took a short walk.

Today, Wednesday, at this moment we are sitting outside the Casino so that I can update here. Where we camped, there is no wifi service. Our computer is a desktop so if I update the trailer has to go along. We needed to refill on water and dump the black tank so this was a perfect opportunity.

The rest of the week will be about the same. Cooking with the Sun Oven and taking life easy. I will update again when I can – that will probably be next Tuesday or Wednesday after we are finished with Mexico and are moving to a new area.

Hope everyone is enjoying our trip as much as we are. Hugs to everyone.
Safe journeys….where ever you are!

PS- Look back on the past entries for the photo links.

Mexico visit

1/25/10 - Monday
Today we drove to the border of Mexico. The Quechan Indians have built a new Casino at the exit and right at the border they have a parking lot and charge $5 per car to park. Not wanting to drive across the border or walk forever, this is the only option.

As we enter Mexico, this is the first time there has ever been a military presence there. There were just a few military with guns as you enter and exit the border. Is this suppose to make the Americans feel better? It kind of scared me. Throughout the areas in town we went to, there were no other military seen.

The thought was to just make appointments today but as luck would have it she was able to get us in today. We both had a couple of crowns started and we will be returning on Saturday to finish those. Thomas will be starting the process for a partial then. It should be finished by Tuesday of next week. Not bad service! And the cost is great. Even though it has gone up in the last two years. Crowns are running $180 each.

After the dental work we ate a picnic lunch in the main square and just watched the happenings. Not much has changed over the years and the same street shops are still there. In addition to the Mexican stained glass, ponchos, pocketbooks, etc there are also very inexpensive pharmacies and eye doctors and a wonderful bakery.

The line to enter the US again was a long one. Last year it took 4 ½ hours to get out from this point, this year only 1 ½ hours. So that was an improvement.

Back at the RV, we fixed supper and then ventured to a neighbors RV to sit by his camp fire for a while.

All in all, it was a good day…….Day time temps in the low 70’s, night time in the mid 40’s to low 50’s.

Safe journeys….where ever you are!

Slow lazy day

1/24/10 - Sunday

Really good night sleep. The trains are about 1-1 ½ miles away and we can just hear them in the distance. But nothing that would bother your sleep.

Today was a slow day. We took it easy because we were finally here. The solar oven was put to use heating water so we would not have to use the propane. Breakfast was made. Now time to rest, LOL.

After lunch, we took a walk out past the other RV’ers and further down the road. This road is used by the border patrol as they make their rounds. The Border Patrol comes by very often. Yes, we are that close to Mexico.

The rains had left very interesting patterns in the washes. Seems like you can see for miles and miles. No trees around and strangely no cactus either. The ground is a mix of sand and dirt. It is strange that it is still somewhat damp.

Supper was a Wal Mart chicken that was re-heated in the Solar Oven. Add a salad and call it done.

Supper done, we decided to take a drive on down the road farther and see what was out there. Many people had drove or walked or road bicycles etc down there today. We took off. Since we were only going to be gone a few minutes neither of us took our cell phones.

Not too far down the road, it turned to mush. The truck is not a 4 wheel drive. It didn’t take long to realize this truck was not meant to be used “off-road”. But there was no where to turn around. We just had to keep going until a good spot was found. Both of us were having visions of becoming stuck and the Border Patrol having to pull us out.

Thankfully that adventure was only a nail-biting 30 minutes of lesson learned. We have not driven down the road again.

Tomorrow is Mexico day. We will go in to arrange appointments.

Let you know how that goes………..

Today - Yuma, Arizona

Photos:  Deming to Yuma

1/23/10 - Saturday
Last night was not a very restful one. The RV beside us had to start up their engine to start their generator (or so it seemed.) When it finally left sometime in the morning, a cattle truck took it’s place. The cattle sounded like they were trying to walk around in the trailer. And then there were the trucks that kept coming in and out all night long.

At first we thought of going on up to Imperial Dam LTVA (long term visitor area) and check it out since we were not going to try to get in to Mexico until Monday. But more gas was needed so we decided to head into Yuma and decide from there.

On the way in, we passed many mountain ranges. Some of which I took photos of. Since we were here in January 2008 it has grown up. About 30-45 miles from Yuma is a really large cattle farm. They also had a large area where they grew their own hay for the cattle. They were selling lots for $60,000 and putting in housing developments.

Once you top the last mountain you are still 20 miles from Yuma. But you can see the town even from here.

First stop…gas. Next stop is to find somewhere to fix breakfast. Yes, it is lunch time but…oh, well! When we stopped we talked to a lady from another RV parked on the same side road. She and her husband are from Canada. They are heading out to a free parking area close to Mexico but just in California. Sounds good to us. We can stay there for 2 weeks before we have to move.

Let me back up and explain the BLM camping land. The Bureau of Land Management controls public lands most of which is from the mid states to the west. You can stay in their long-term parking areas for the season which is September 15 to April 15 by purchasing a season pass for $180. Or, you can purchase a 2 week pass for $40. The LTVA areas usually have some type of services. Or, you can stay in the free areas with no services for 2 weeks.

Before heading on to Pilot Knob, we stopped to resupply at Wal Mart and pick up some meds. This was the wrong thing to do. It was 2 ½ hours to get the refill transferred and filled. Then the clerk was snotty and hateful with me and some of the other customers. ARRRRR! I think I will drive many miles before going to this pharmacy again!

It was 3pm before we finally arrived at the Pilot Knob Area. Just follow the power lines 1.6 miles down a dirt road. We found an area and started setting up for our stay. Some of the campers there talked to us and told us of the horrific storm and rain that came through the past couple of days. The road was like a river that you had to drive in. So maybe it was a good thing we waited in Deming that extra night.

Talk to you soon……

Traveling again

1/22/10 - Friday
Today is granddaughter Kylie’s birthday! Happy Birthday to you.

It was really hard for me to take a shower the next morning. And would you believe, it was even worse the next morning!!! And I didn’t think that could happen! Unless you need a really cheap place to stay – I wouldn’t advise staying here.

A stop for gas and we are heading on down the road again. The man at the gas station told us to be careful and hopefully we can get through Tucson before the storm hits there. There is supposed to be 3” of snow here in Deming before morning. He also said that he use to live in Mesa and they had a tornado warning there yesterday. He didn’t ever recall Mesa ever having a tornado warning before. This is really strange weather.

Along the way we drove in rain but there weren’t any of the terrible winds that we faced before. The weather station talked about this being a “historic SW storm”. We were not seeing anything that was too dramatic thank goodness. Bur for this area, it was.

Along the way we crossed the Continental Divide. Elevation 4,502 feet.

The mountains in this area are very tall and appear very sharp and jagged. When snow covers the mountain tops, it is a sight to see. But upon crossing Lime Peak (elevation 6644 feet) the mountains look more like a tall pile of boulders and rubble. There is a rest area here but we didn’t stop. Still, I was able to get some really good photos of the boulders as we passed.

I took more photos as we came to the town of Benson, AZ and then on to Tucson, AZ. We stopped in Tucson for gas. I took more photos here. The town of Tucson is like a town in the bottom of a bowl of mountains. Everywhere you look, it is surrounded by these tall jagged mountains.

We continued on. Our stop for the night is at a rest area about 85 miles before Yuma, Arizona!

Yippee, we are getting closer.

Staying in Deming, NM


This morning the weather reports were still calling for terrible weather, blizzard conditions, high wind warnings, flood watch, winter storm warning. The decision was made to stay in Deming one more night and re-evaluate conditions each day.

Now, how to spend the day in Deming? We started off with a trip to the local laundry to do clothes. While there we talked with some fellow RV’ers. They gave us some info on Quartzsite and boondocking areas in Yuma. They also told us about an RV Park they stayed in that was full hookup’s for $15 per night.

I talked with a local lady and she confirmed the weather was to be bad. They are expecting 3 inches of snow in Deming the next night. She also said that when traveling to Tucson if the wind as blowing then it would really blow. Sounded like it was either blowing like mad or there was no wind at all. Nothing in between.

We decided to find a RV park for the night. The one we found was Sun Rise RV Park and it was $15 per night. OK, so 2 showers each + dumping + water hook up+ electric + internet…not too bad. Well, the wifi didn’t work. The showers/rest room area was filthy beyond words. Let me put it like this, if I had looked at the showers before paying for the site (even knowing that we had shower shoes) I would have not stayed there. How to people come here for a season and stay? OK, it is cheap for monthly, seasonal and yearly rates but goodness!

The best I can say is that we had a good night sleep and stayed really warm.

Until we meet again………..

1/20/10 - Leaving Los Cruses & Bubba's RV Park

Photos: Hot Springs to Las Cruses
    Las Cruses to Deming

It is 3:15pm and we are leaving Los Cruses, New Mexico. We called Silver City, NM to check on weather and campgrounds. They told us that Mesa Campground was a good one. The weather is cold there. It snowed last night and they are expecting more.

There is a stupid terrible wind blowing right at us. Of course this is hard on not only gas mileage but Thomas as well. He hates to drive in a hard wind.

We came on a Border Patrol check point. The RV in front of us was from NC. After looking closer, it had a dealership tag on it from Shelby, NC. As soon as they cleared the check point, they took off and we never could catch up to them. Oh, well.

With the wind still in our face, we decided to stop in Deming for the night. We found the local Wal Mart. After pulling in, we stopped to see where the RV’s were parking and just get a feel for the place. The security guard pulled up and got out to talk with us.

Seems that his name is “Bubba” Smith and “that over there is what I call Bubba’s RV Park!” He was referring to the area where we are to park. He said RV’s were welcome to stay up to 3 days – more if there was bad weather. Bubba’s brother work the later shift starting at 7pm.

Bubba also told us about the bad storm coming in and we should hole up here for a few days. They are expecting bad wind, rain, and snow. We shouldn’t try to leave out and head for Tucson for a day or so.

That night, it was like someone put up a sign on interstate advertising Bubba’s RV Park. There were 30 units there when I counted. Wow! Looked like a mish-mash of everything from really older travel trailers to a huge black and silver motor home which had no identification as to make or model on it. This unit would probably go upwards of $500,000 easy. Even with all the bad weather, it was a shiny as a mirror. You just had the feel to keep away from it.

With the weather that Bubba and the Weather Chanel are calling for, maybe it will be the smartest for us to just hang out here and let some of this pass before moving on.

Hope everyone is doing well………

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No photos yet but a link to them instead

  Ok, I can't get the photos to load by adding a photo here.  So below is a link that will take you to the photos.

  We spent last night at the Wal-Mart in El Paso, TX.  Right now we are in Los Cruses at a McDonald's so that I can send these photos.

  Our plans are to go from here to Silver City.  There we are visiting the Cliff Dwellings, doing some hiking and hoping to find some of the natural hot springs in the area.  Next time I update will be when we get service again.  Hope all is well with everyone.
Until a later day..............

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday - What a day! So far...

  Looking back on the day so far.....
  It started out as a wonderful day.  Beautiful morning!  We watched the sun come up over the mountains.  It was easy to make sure we were up in time because now we are on Mountain Time which is two hours behind ours.  So we could sleep in for two hours and still be on time!

  Thomas went outside to have a look around and spotted a Texas Jack Rabbit.  It had really large ears and was hopping around in the brush.  The big ears were about all you could see poke up when it moved into thicker brush.

  With all the meat that needed cooking, we got out the Sun Oven.  Into the pot went a layer of potatoes topped with onions and then the pork roast and chicken breasts.  9am.  It wasn't long before the oven temp was reaching 275* and then on up to a max of 350*.  At noon it was wonderfully done!  Lunch was fantastic.  So will be the next couple of meals.  Everyone should have one of these!

  While it was cooking in the Texas morning sun, an Airstream trailer pulled in.  Finally.  This is the first Airstream we have seen on the road!  Thomas says it is because the rest are in Yuma or the Slabs already.  They came over to chat - Joe and Mary from Nebraska, WBCCI # 22116.  They were a very nice couple and were headed to the Airstream Rally in CA.
  We also had several other RV'ers stop by to ask about the Sun Oven and to talk about Quartzite.  We hope to be visiting Q during this trip.  This is an area where lots of RV'ers and others go in the winter to escape the cold.  Depending on where you stay, it is free of charge to camp there or on the Long Term Visitors Area (LVTA) it is $40 for 2 weeks or $180 (I think) for 7 months.  Not bad rent, huh?

  This picnic area is such a great place.  It is in a curve on Interstate at the top of the mountain.  The pull off is below the interstate which buffers alot of the traffic sound.  We are having a really great time.  Only bad thing is that the wind has picked up something fierce.  Maybe we need to head off the mountain and rest a while then plan on driving more a little later.


  We packed up and headed down towards El Paso.  In the spot we had been parked in, there was no cell phone service.  But within a few feet, my phone started beeping that I had 2 messages.  At first I was concerned about something happening with my daughter Samantha who is pregnant.  Then I listened to the messages.  They were from the Fraud Protection Department, "Please call us back concerning charges you have made."  (Yes, you know where this is going.)  My blood slid out of my body and through the truck floor as I was asked about this and that charge that had been made today.  Oh, and my account is now over-drawn!  Can we re-wind this day and start again?
  After making several calls, the last to my specific bank, it was all worked out.  The card was cancelled, a new one would be issued and sent to us, and the funds put back into my account.  I hope this person really enjoys their music from, finds a job with, talked to their favorite person using and I don't know what is. 
  I have to say that Debbie at our bank, Carolina First, is wonderful.  We have known her for several years now and she is an asset to that bank and her customers. 

  Right now we are in a Texas Rest Area.  All Texas Rest Areas and Welcome Centers have free wifi.  Thank you Texas!  After a rest, we hope to head out and drive a few hours later in the day after the wind dies down some.  
  Plans are to head from here to the Cliff Dwellings near Silver City, NM for a visit.  It may be a few days before I get to update again after we get into the Gila National Forest.  If things work correctly, I hope to post some photos on here maybe tonight.
Hugs to you all......

Monday - 1/18/10

Oh, what a great night’s sleep. We got prepared to travel and headed out to find the next Rest Area for morning showers at 8:45am.

Continuing on down the road, we started to see windmill farms around the Abilene, TX area. To the west of Abilene were lots of cotton fields. From there, things became flat and brown and lots of nothing.

We passed through Midland and Odessa. Now the scenery is oil fields. Many of the pumps are not moving instead sitting still, appearing as dead as the rest of the landscape. The farther west we went, more pumps seemed to be in production.

The speed limit had gone from 70 daytime, 65 nights to 80 daytime and 65 night. The truckers are still limited to the lower speed limit. Even though everyone seems to stay pretty close to the limit, there are not many troopers out patrolling the interstate.

Our supper stop was at a Rest Area just west of Monahans, TX. Hamburger steaks and green beans, yummy. (OK, not a full rounded meal but good.) It seems like it has been a while since I have cooked anything close to a full meal. We don’t want to fix too much due to limited refrigerator space. When we left, I packed in a cooler several packs of hamburger, a small pork roast, a couple of large chicken breasts, the meats that Cheryl and family sent us for Christmas from Swiss Colony, and some bacon. This finished up the last of the hamburger. Tomorrow I will have to cook up the roast and chicken so that we don’t have to buy more ice for the cooler.

After supper we decided to travel on a while longer before stopping for the night. Now traveling on I-10 and about 7 miles from the Rio Grande River, we stopped for the night in a picnic area. We are once again in the mountains.

  Until tomorrow.......

Sunday - 01/17/10

  It took until 10:45 to get breakfast and get everything ready to travel. Thomas’ knee is doing much better this morning and he decided to leave the crutches here with Brother Bill. But between Bill and my own objections, he was out voted. Better to have them and not need them than to have to buy a pair somewhere down the road. Of course Bill had been giving Thomas a hard time about Bill not needing them until he was 62 and Thomas needing them at 59. It is so funny to see these two interact when they get together.
  Leaving Hot Springs, we took Hwy 7 South past Lake DeGray. It was amazing that the access areas and COE (Corp of Engineers) Campground on this lake was barricaded. It is a really nice lake. They do not allow houses to be built along the shoreline.

  We settled in for a long drive today. The route was AR. Hwy 7 to I-30. I-30 west will take us through Arkadelphia to Texarkana on the Arkansas/Texas border. In TX I-30 will take you through Greenville to Dallas. Somewhere in Dallas I-30 merges with and becomes I-20. I-20 is the path from Dallas to Fort Worth, Abilene, Midland, Odessa and then merges with and becomes I-10 just east of Kent. I-10 will take us into New Mexico and Arizona, which like the others will merge and become I-8.

  During the long ride we had much time to talk about different things. Among them was: when you are faced with something like this trip has been so far…like:
1) it taking so long for us to be able to leave because of my heath issues,
2) it turning so cold that we had to replace pipes in the trailer due to leaks from freezing,
3) the solar not getting completed on time.
  Then after finally getting on the road…..
4) The trailer door not staying shut,
5) The main road out, I-40, having a detour due to rock slide,
6) The detour you take closed due to a rock slide and
7) It taking too many miles and all day to get to what should have taken only 3.5 hours,
8) The icy, curvy, slow mountain road we traveled,
9) Thomas’ knee going out for no apparent reason.

  What do you do? Follow your “superstitious side” to see these things as signs? Take all these signs as a warning that you should turn around and go back home? OR do you persevere and decide you are going to fight the struggle and go on this trip?
  Well as you can see….we venture on!

  About 4:30pm found us just east of Dallas crossing Ray Hubbard Lake. It had the appearance more reminiscent of an ocean than a lake. There were even pelicans in the water. Now that just doesn’t seem right. Those are ocean birds!

  Just west of Dallas we passed Six Flags over Dallas and also a large water park. Even though they were west of Dallas, they seemed like they were inside the city and they were right beside the interstate. Both of them were closed.

  Dallas merged into Fort Worth. This huge area was a conglomeration of buildings. Traffic was bad enough but at least it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. The interstate kept going from 6 to 8 to even 12 lanes sometimes where extra were added for exit lanes. Thankfully we got through this area on a Sunday instead of during the week and facing work traffic at 5:30pm. Plus with Monday being MLK vacation for some, it also might have made the traffic lighter today. Thomas said, “I don’t like driving in big city traffic – too many opportunities to die!”
  Although our plan was to make Abilene for the night stop, we didn’t make it. Instead we stopped in Eastland where we got permission to overnight at the Wal-Mart #561.
Good night for now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday - 1/16/10

Well it is Saturday. Today we start getting things together to leave tomorrow morning. It is suppose to be raining later so we are going to prep the trailer for travel before it starts.

Many things were accomplished this afternoon. Among them were: another trip to Wal-Mart to top off supplies, filling up with gas, and refilling water in town at the spring where locals get their drinking water.

Somehow during the course of the afternoon, Thomas strained a muscle in his knee. He will have to take it easy on it for a few days so that it can recoup. Looks like I will be taking a crash course on hooking up the trailer, dumping the black tank, etc. The things that I have always looked to Thomas to take care of….(Thomas did I word that correctly??? LOL)

Tonight we went over to Thomas’ brother Bill’s house for a pizza party-send off party.  Bill had knee surgery not too long ago so he had a set of crutches.  Thomas is now limping around with the crutches.  Hopefully keeping the weight off of the knee for a few days will help it to get better faster.

Tomorrow we head out.  Please bear with me.  I can only update as I have internet access. 

Hugs to all.....we will post as soon as we can.

Friday - 1/15/10

Today was mostly a day of chores….laundry, etc. I am still trying to get things in the trailer put where they are in the best place.

Jamie and Christine hosted the whole family at their house for dinner. Christine is a great cook. She made a Corn Chicken Cheese Chowder, salad, and a cucumber/onion salad. Everything was great. She gave me the recipe for the chowder and the salad. Yummy!

Everyone had a great time.  It is good to be with the family again.

Thursday - 1/14/10

Today was a lazy day. We got off to a really slow start. After fixing breakfast/lunch, you will never believe what happened…. Thomas gave me a hair cut! And I let him! He did a really good job for his first time. Maybe beginners luck. Even more surprising was that we both liked it. It is a little shorter than either of us expected but it is going to be so much easier to deal with on this trip.

After the house chores and the entertainment of the morning (yes, the maintenance guys were back), we loaded up all the empty water bottles and went to town. In Hot Springs, there are stations that you can go to and fill up your bottles with the natural hot spring mineral water. This is a normal event for people that live here but a tourist attraction for visitors.

Hot Springs is an old time gambling town that now is a National Park. They have Bath House Row that is mostly for show at this time. Only one is an operational Bath House. Another is a museum. Over the years they have tried to restore legalized gambling but it continues to be voted down. So the town continues to stay in a declining rut as far as the downtown area is concerned. They do have Oaklawn which is a horse track and the races will open tomorrow. Hot Springs has a gangster history also. Al Capone and others frequented the town for its gambling and hot spring baths, massages, etc. Even before that, the local Indian tribes would come here for the healing properties of the hot mineral water which bubbles up in pools around the area. My favorite bath house is the Quapaw House which was named after one of the Indian tribes.

We ventured into the Arlington Hotel. This Hotel is about 100 years old and still operates as a hotel and also houses offices and businesses. Inside there was one of Al Capones’ cars. It had been restored and had 1” thick glass in the windows. It had originally been redone to make it bullet proof and was painted the same color as the police cars of that time.

Then came time to attempt to warm up the feet by visiting one of the local pools in the town park. But at 140* you can’t completely dunk your feet in it.

Tonight we meet all the family at Don Juan’s which is a Mexican restaurant here in town. The food was good as usual and we all had a great time. But we did miss Christine who had to work.

Back at the trailer, the rain began to softly patter on the aluminum roof of our home and lulled us into a peaceful sleep.

Wednesday - 1/13/10

The Park Ranger woke us up at 8:30. Because we couldn’t locate the Camp Host or figure out where to pay, we decided to wait until today. Well, he wanted to make sure we paid!

After he left, maintenance men started to work. They could have gone anywhere in the whole park but nooooooo! They had to come right beside our trailer to start. Leaving their truck running, they were making water retaining rings with dirt around the trees. Then there was the trash collector. What happened to the peace and quiet and solitude?

During the drive down, we were having trouble with the door staying shut. As the trailer flexed, it would pop open. We used a bungee cord to keep it closed during travel. Thomas’ brother, Steve, came by at his lunch break with a dremel tool so that they could drill out part of the door frame. Hopefully this will work! But we won’t know until we are on the road again.

The new solar system did great in running the tool. This will be our first trip with the solar and we will have to test it out to see how well it works. We don’t understand the screen on the Charge Controller and can’t tell how much battery we have left or if the batteries are fully charged. Maybe when we get into Yuma, Arizona and meet up with some other boondockers, they will be able to help us translate the readings.

This afternoon was the mandatory trip to Wal-Mart for the few things we forgot or needed.

Jamie (Thomas’ niece) and her girlfriend came by to visit with us. Jamie is working as a mechanic rebuilding small airplane engines and her girlfriend, Christine, is a nurse. They are actually the first people we have entertained in our trailer!

Tuesday - 1/12/10

Last night was a very windy night. The whistling of the wind sounded like Indian flute music. Several times I woke up and wondered who was playing music in the parking lot.

This morning it is a blustery 27*. Last night it blew a fine snow mist and everything froze. Our step was covered in ice.

We were going to fill up with gas but had to wait until the window de-iced before we could move. The next stop was McDonald’s.

The road was covered in black ice. While in McDonald’s, truckers and other came in and was talking about how bad I-40 West was. There had been several accidents and if you didn’t need to be out there, don’t go. With this news, we hung around until 8:00 am. With the long detour and not many miles from yesterday, it was to be a long day to get to Hot Springs, Arkansas. The bad conditions didn’t last very long before the sun came up and the weather and roads cleared up.

For some reason this part of the drive is always hard and tiring. We are both worn out by the time we got to Hot Springs.

Not wanting to impose on family, we decided to park at Gulpha Gorge National Park. Our space without electric was $5 per night with the discount. They do have accessible water and a dump station. Not all sites have electric hook ups.

There were not many people here. When we pulled in, there was only one other camper. You want to Camp Host? This is the place in the winter time to do that. Not much to do other than find something to keep yourself busy.

Time to set up and get some rest. Tomorrow we will visit with family.

Monday, 01-11-10

    Today is Friday but I am going to give Monday's update first.

  Samantha called me yesterday.  She wanted to know why we had a blog if we were not going to update it.  Well the reason is that were we are staying has no wifi.  Right now we are washing clothes so I will try to do this via my phone.

  By 9:30am we were on the road.  I-40 is closed between Asheville & the TN border.  We decided since the detour was 60 miles longer, we will take 64 then catch up with 40 in TN.
  It wasn't long before we started to go up in elevation.  Lake Toxaway was almost frozen over!  This whole area is a summer retreat type destination.  Highlands is a very quaint little town.  It called for a  coffee stop.
  I have heard of Bridal Veil Falls but never expected it to be right beside this winding mountain road.  But we were almost beside it when we saw it.  This huge waterfall with an area to walk behind the falls.  The falls were partially frozen and the area the water landed in was built up with ice.  It was beautiful.  We decided this was a good lunch stop.
  64 took us on through Franklin and Winding Stair Gap. Upon arriving at Ducktown, 64 detoured due to a rock slide! Seems like today is one of many miles to go hardly anywhere.  This detour took us back to I-40 at Crossville, TN.
  Exhausted, we ate at KFC and found a Wal-Mart to park for the night. 
Good night.....

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finally hitting the road

  Well it has taken about what seems like forever but tomorrow is our departure date!
  As luck would have it we were held up by several things.  The last of which was that we needed to completely replace the water pipes.  That was finished up on Saturday and we started to pack.
  We are both so ready to get out of this cold.  Tonight it is suppose to be 18 tonight (again) but it is to warm up the rest of the week.  Still below freezing every night though. 
  Our first major stop along the way will be Hot Springs, AR.  Here we will visit family for a few days before moving on towards Yuma, AZ and 70* weather.
  Bear with me as this chronical of our "Present Pleasures" gets started.  I have much to learn on posting photos and adding memories.

Until we meet again........

PS - Samantha, We will be back soon.  Looking forward to our new grandbaby this coming spring!  Take care of yourself.

PSS - Cheryl & Michel, Looking forward to seeing you and your families hopefully late spring or early summer.