Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3/06/09 Marina

3/06-09/10 Saturday-Tuesday


Last night we got to Mom & Dad’s home in Marina. After 2 years it was great to see them again. Lucky and Elaine (Thomas’ sister and husband) were also a welcome sight.

On Saturday mornings, Mom and Dad go to eat at Marina Village. This is a small little restaurant. They have been doing this for years and the owners know them and look for them every Saturday. Today was no exception.

Mom and Dad usually go to the beach to walk every day or so with their friends Richard and Helga. Today we walk. Hang gliders were on the beach and we watched them for a while.

I spoke with one and asked what he carried in his backpack. He told me there was a parachute (duhhhh) and some padding for landing and storage space. All of that sounded like a good idea to me.

As a rule of thumb most of our time was spent hanging out with the family and just being with them. Today Thomas helped Dad cut the Palm Tree seed branches out of the tree in their front yard. Now that was a job and took a couple of hours to complete.

Tonight Lucky and Elaine were not able to come to supper. Elaine has a fund raiser every year that takes up most of her time. Tonight is the big night. After tonight she will be able to catch her breath and have time to spend with us.

It didn’t take us long to get into a routine. In the mornings we would have breakfast with Mom and Dad. Then go for a walk at the beach. At night we would have a big supper for all 6 of us. Occasionally we would go out for supper.

So good to spend time with the family again.

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