Saturday, November 27, 2010

11-16-10 Tuesday fron Big Bend, TX

Tuesday – 11/16/10


This morning we packed a sandwich and water because we wanted to hike further today. It was 11:30 before we could get onto the trail today. I found the only flower around that was blooming! It was bright purple/pink with another tiny white bloom coming from the center of it. We hiked until the trail started to turn down hill. If we had packed our bathing suits, we might have continued on to the Hot Springs. But this is enough for today. My feet hurt! Tomorrow we will take what we need and make the full hike to the Hot Spring.

We met a couple on the trail from Texas. They want to come to NC and hike some of the AT. We gave them our name and email address. They were also telling us that they saw a mother bobcat nursing a baby on their way to the trail head. Maybe we will get to see it before we leave.

On the way back, we stopped at the store. The internet is supposed to be working now. We also ate an overpriced but still very good ice cream sandwich. While sitting outside, the bobcat came by and headed into the woods. There weren’t any babies with her. I followed her and was able to get a couple of photos as she made her way across a field behind the store.

After getting back to the trailer and eating the lunch we packed and carried, it was time for a nap. But that was interrupted by a guy at the door. Would you believe it was a man from Lenoir, NC? Lenoir is about an hour from us. Small world.

Ok, now siesta time for Thomas but I plan to upload photos and continue with the blog. Later we are going to wash clothes and I can put all this on the blog and catch up with email.

At this point we are not sure if we will get to the Hot Springs again today or not.

If any of you need to get in touch with us, you will have to do it by sending emails.

Hope all is going well with each and every one of you.

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