Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday - Congratulations!

2/02/10 – Tuesday

Great morning!!! The 2-4-1 breakfast buffet ($6.95) at the Casino called our name. Oh goodness was it great. If you could only take a doggie bag with you we would be set for the rest of the day.

Then the good news came……It is a girl! Her name is to be Bailey Marie Williams. Samantha said that this will probably be the only BMW they ever have. LOL Now comes the long wait for her to be born. Actually it could be anytime between now and the end of May. It all depends on Bailey and how sick she makes Sam. Congratulations to Sami Jo and Rodney on bringing a new little girl into our family circle!

Being happy and feeling lucky, I had to play the slot machine one more time. I went back to the same area where I hit before and found another “Lady Bug” game. (Seemed appropriate.) Same results but better! I put in $5 and left with $63.30 in about 5 minutes. Guess I will have to call Bailey “Lady Bug”.

Right now we are waiting at the Big O Tire Store for the alignment and tire rotation before hitting the road. After rinsing the dust off the truck and trailer, we will hit the road for a new location.

First we will try Mittry Lake. If there is no spot there, we will go on to Fortuna Pond. We would also like to go to the Imperial Dam area for a while. Probably there will be no wifi service so it might be a bit before we can update again.

If you want to send an email that will go straight to my phone use: bronawince@gmail.com. Or you can always call us.

Safe travels to you all…..where ever you are!
PS – They are expecting another big storm this weekend back in NC. Marshal and Carolyn, our neighbors, have threatened us if we ever think about leaving again. A special thanks to Marshal and Carolyn and for watching after our place and taking care of Buddah and Cosmo when Dan and Darlene are not able to get there. Another thanks to Dan and Darlene who are taking care of Buddah and Cosmo until we get home. Hugs to you all.

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